The Darien Phantoms Hockey Club (“Club”) is committed to developing individuals with “leadership, commitment and outstanding character” on and off the ice. To that end, we will require strict adherence to the following social media and electronics communications policy by all Club members, coaches, and their families as a condition of their participation in the Club:
The Club will not tolerate its members participating in any form of electronic communication that is deemed by its Rules and Ethics Committee to be derogatory, hateful, vengeful, or otherwise disrespectful to the Club, any member of the Club, any coach of the Club, or any other person(s) associated with any other hockey club or organization. This includes, but is not limited to, communications deemed harmful to the goodwill or reputation of the Club, any member of the Club, any coach of the Club, or any other person(s) associated with any other hockey club or organization. This further includes, but is not limited to, sending a text or email about the Club, any member of the Club, any coach of the Club, or any other person(s) associated with any other hockey club or organization that is intended to abuse, bully, humiliate, or harass.
Any communications that are deemed to violate this policy will be reviewed by the Club’s Rules and Ethics committee for possible sanctions up to and including expulsion from the Club and further reporting to AHAI.
The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) has developed a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the verbal abuse of officials and inappropriate spectator behavior.
To make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, the Officiating Program will adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. These points were written and implemented to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all AAU sanctioned games. This includes parking lots for the rink.
If a parent has a concern about a game situation, playing time, or other event, the parent needs to wait 24 hours before contacting the coach, directors, or manager. This time period is meant to help buffer any emotional response that may result from a particular situation during a game, practice, skills session, or team event.
A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:
Any time that any player persists in any of these actions, he/she shall be assessed a Misconduct Penalty. A Game Misconduct shall result if such player continues.
A Bench Minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:
Any time that a Coach persists in any of these actions, he/she shall be assessed a Game Misconduct Penalty.
Officials must apply these guidelines in a realistic manner and must be careful not to get overly technical in their enforcement. This policy is designed to eliminate direct confrontations with Officials while still allowing players and coaches an avenue to communicate in a calm and reasonable fashion.
Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, and non-vindictive manner at all times. The actions of an Official must be above reproach. Actions such as "baiting" or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited. On ice officials are ambassadors of the game and shall always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind.
On-ice officials will stop the game when the parents/spectators displaying inappropriate and disruptive behavior interfere with other spectators or participants of the game. The on-ice officials will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectators from the spectators viewing and game area. Once removed, play will resume. Lost time will not be replaced and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the local governing body. This inappropriate and disruptive behavior shall include:
Any violators will be escorted from the facility and not allowed to return until the next day. In addition to the AAU Hockey sanctions the Phantoms Hockey Club has implemented the following rules:
If any player receives a game misconduct for Zero Tolerance abuse of an Official, we as an organization will add a one (1) game suspension to the one (1) game suspension the player is already serving. If there is a second offense of the same nature, that player will be suspended for an additional three (3) games. A third offense will result in the player being suspended for the Phantoms and will not be permitted to play again for the Phantoms until such player applies for reinstatement before the Board of Directors.
If any player receives a gross misconduct penalty, then the player will receive from the Phantoms an additional three (3) game suspension. A second offense will result in that player being suspended from the Phantoms and will not be permitted again for the Phantoms until such player applies for reinstatement before the Board of Directors.
All above violations have a right of appeal through the Phantoms.
First Zero Tolerance offense will result in a thirty (30) day suspension. Second offense will result in a sixty (60) day suspension and a third offense will result in a suspension from the Phantoms. They will not be permitted to return until they apply for readmission to the club thru the Board of Directors. To clarify suspension, we mean you will not be able to watch your child skate at all.
That includes all practices, practice games, league games and tournaments. All above violations have a right of appeal thru Phantoms. Every skater and each of their parents must sign a Zero Tolerance Policy Statement (See Appendix). It confirms that they have read and agree with the policy. Skaters are not allowed to participate in league or practice games until they and their parents have signed zero tolerance statements.
Darien Phantoms Slush Fund Policy
Northern Illinois Hockey League (NIHL) Slush Fund Policy
Upon your players’ official AHAI roster being certified by the AHAI registrar, the parent/guardian of the player agrees to pay into the team's slush fund. The slush fund can cover a variety of team expenses including, but not limited to, scorekeepers for regular season games, playoff related expenses like Blackhawk Cup and NIHL Wolves Cup play-in games, coaches' gifts, practice jerseys, team parties and tournaments. The parent/guardian also agrees to pay their portion of tournament related expenses for at least three tournaments of the teams' choice. Tournaments can be either local and/or out of state/country which will be determined by the majority of the team. The parent/guardian is responsible for paying their portion of the tournament fees and Head Coach’s hotel room(s). If the team has a non-parent assistant coach, the assistant coach’s hotel room(s) will also be covered by the team. Parent/guardian will pay their portion of the slush fund regardless of whether their player is able to participate in the tournament(s). Payment will be made to the team manager.
Chicago United Hockey League (CUHL) Slush Fund Policy
Upon your players’ official CUHL roster being certified by the CUHL registrar, the parent/guardian of the player agrees to pay their player’s portion of the team slush fund for all games, tournaments and (at the maximum) two coach’s hotel rooms. The slush fund can also cover a variety of team expenses including, but not limited to, scorekeepers for regular season games, playoff expenses, coaches' gifts, practice jerseys and team parties and tournaments. Parent/guardian will pay their portion of the slush fund regardless of whether their player is able to participate. Payment will be made to the team manager.
For all Players
If at any time during the current season, the parent/guardian cannot/will not pay the slush funds due to the manager, their player will NOT be able to practice or play in any scheduled games.
The player will NOT be able to participate until payment has been made or an arrangement has been approved by the Darien Phantoms Hockey Club Board of Directors. If a head coach is a parent, grandparent or other relative of a player on the team, the team is not required to pay for the head coach’s hotel room(s). This shall be the case so long as the head coach and respective player share a hotel room. For example, if a goalie’s grandfather is the team’s head coach and the grandfather and goalie share a hotel room, the head coach’s room does not need to be paid for by the team’s slush fund.
Any player, who in the opinion of a coach, athletic trainer, or physician exhibits any signs, symptoms, or behavior consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from play and practice until they are cleared to return to by a health care professional who is a board certified Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician. Such clearance must be in writing and signed by the physician via the Darien Phantoms Hockey Club Return to Play (RTP) Form.